Los Angeles 5/10/2011 4:16:23 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Bristol Palin’s new look sparks cosmetic surgery rumors

By: Daun Lee

Sarah Palin is usually the one who gets the most attention, but her daughter gets the media limelight this week. Bristol Palin, who was once on Dancing with the Stars, appeared at a Candies Charity event with a much slimmer face which have sent rumor flying that she has undergone the knife to fit into Hollywood’s beauty standards.

Bristol has undergone considerable scrutiny by the press as of late. Most criticism comes from the millions she is paid to encourage abstinence for teens, the irony being she was a teen mom.

Even though Bristol’s body looks the same it appears as though her face has lost considerable weight. Her once round face has been sculpted to have a more heart-shaped appearance.  Since the face is generally difficult to transform that much by losing weight, the celeb-gossip sites say they believe she has had some type of cosmetic surgery on her chin and face. She actually looks considerably more attractive in the recent photos.

Millions of people undergo plastic surgery to enhance their appearance. Numerous men and women seek out different procedures to alter and improve their appearance.

One of the most sought after procedures is liposuction, which can eliminate unsightly fat from various regions on the body. Liposuction allows people the opportunity to ‘sculpt’ their physique by targeting the areas that cause them discontent. Liposuction has a shorter recovery time and smaller scars that lifts, so it is ideal for people who are always on the go.