Toronto 5/11/2011 2:51:57 AM
News / Law

Women unite against sexual harassment by dressing provocatively and taking to the streets

By: Daun Lee

SlutWalk, which stared in Canada, is an organized event where women dress in ‘slutty’ clothing protest sexual harassment. The idea caught on and has since gone global with protest in various American cities and has now spread to Australia.  The SlutWalk is intended to make the point that women should be able to wear what they chose without being subjected to abuse and harassment that is sexual in nature.

A statement by a Toronto police official spurred the event by suggestion that” women should avoid dressing like sluts in order not to be victimized.”

The official website for the SlutWalk organization maintains that “sexual assault is an act of violence by the perpetrator, and not something inspired, occasioned or asked for by the victim – no matter what he or she is wearing.”

It is unfortunate but our dress can warrant unwanted attention either on the streets or on the job. There are many people who resist the urge to sexually harass or assault a person based on the provocative nature of their clothing. Other people however have trouble controlling their violent or sexual urges and people get victimized.

The job is a place a man or woman should feel safe from harassment but sexual harassment lawyers can verify that harassment is common in many workplaces. Confronting the harasser is the first course of action, but it that should fail retaining a sexual harassment attorney can assure the harassment stops.