Washington 5/11/2011 4:42:02 AM
News / Law

Immigration reform is an economic imperative according to Obama

By: Daun Lee

In the push to fulfill his campaign promise of immigration reform, President Obama held a talk at the Texas border of Mexico. The President has been blocked by reform by the Republican majority in both houses.

In his speech the President stated that immigration reform is an “economic imperative.” He also stated that a way to build the middle class is to eliminate the “underground economy that exploits a cheap source of labor while depressing wages for everyone else.”

 Part of his comprehensive reform will make it easier for the 11 million illegal aliens residing in the US to become citizens. He is also pushing to pass his proposed DREAM Act for the children of illegal immigrants who attend college. It seems unlikely he will be able to get any reform passed before the 2012 election because of Republican opposition.

Being in the US illegally may mean a person makes more money than they did in their native countries, but they risk deportation. Deportation makes any future attempt for citizenship difficult and will require an immigration attorney to speak for them in court.

Most immigrants are drawn to the US seeking better economic opportunities, which is often available, but they can’t fully benefit from the freedoms enjoyed by American citizens. A discussion with an immigration lawyer can inform an immigrant on the perks of obtaining citizenship, along with all the necessary steps they must take.  An immigrant will find their naturalization process is easier with the guidance of an immigration attorney.