Washington 5/12/2011 3:05:16 AM
News / Internet

Google focuses on notebooks for Chrome OS

It’s hard to believe that there was a day when the internet didn’t exist and personal computers were used for word processing, spread sheets and math calculations; then the internet came along. Nowadays it seems as though the internet is a necessity, and most computers require a connection to keep them updated. It’s probable that the younger generations can’t even conceive of having a computer that doesn’t connect to the internet.

The business savvy people at Google have realized that the internet takes up the majority of the time people spend in the internet. Google has introduced the Chrome operating system which is specifically targeted for internet use. The search engine giant is focusing on providing Google Chrome notebooks, which would keep you connected to the internet at all times and uses cloud computing to store your files, in case you lose your laptop. For the time being, Google will focus its Chrome OS for notebooks instead of tablets.

Most new computers these days are built with the assumption that internet is one of the primary reasons you bought one in the first place. The internet has become one of the main influences in the way people get news, keep in touch with their friends and how businesses reach consumers.

The importance of the internet is also apparent in the SEO optimization industry, which has exploded over the past several years. Google continues to be an innovative force in the internet business, which is why SEO optimization focuses on them.