Hudson, Ohio 1/19/2009 8:44:09 AM
News / Education Shows Compelling Connectivity of The Armed Citizen To The Independence Of The American Home in 2009.

New online news analysis website thrives on previously controversial issue.

With millions of Americans now buying guns like never before, one interesting news analysis organization is matching numbers, it seems, for what the armed citizen is really all about, and how he or she plays a powerful role in all our freedoms.

"’s regular columns to balance anti-gun programs are reaching growing audiences," National Gun Rights Examiner David Codrea said today.

Just three months ago, took a chance and supported popular liberty writer David Codrea to prove his belief that there is a hunger for liberty-oriented gun rights insight that has gone untapped by traditional media. Codrea has written for Guns and Ammo Magazine and elsewhere, and he blogs on his own website Starting with a local column serving the’s Cleveland, OH area, Codrea’s readership results quickly convinced management that there is a sustainable and growing market for experienced armed citizen insight.

Promoted to National Gun Rights Examiner after only two months, Codrea recruited a replacement for the Cleveland desk, and also introduced Examiners in Los Angeles and St. Louis.

"Daniel White in Cleveland, writer John Longenecker in Los Angeles, and Kurt Hofmann in St. Louis have repeated the success in their respective cities," Codrea said. "Gun Rights Examiners routinely draw top page visits in their respective regions."

"It’s not such a hot button anymore, " says John Longenecker, Examiner’s Los Angeles writer. "There is a great deal of insight and information generally not available to Americans until they elect even to buy a gun. They call it the gun culture. But Making this available early in just how the armed citizen really plays a role in fighting crime and violence - making it liberty culture - can share what has been clouded for far too long in the name of anti-violence." isn’t attracting only gun owners, Codrea added. "A lot of the feedback we’re getting is coming from people who are clearly looking at much of their personal liberty in a new light—many have just never heard cogent arguments for an armed citizenry before, and, happily, we’re finding a lot of curiosity, a lot of open minds in showing a powerful connection to all freedoms."

Is there a limit to growth potential for Codrea speculated, "So far, readership and enthusiasm have only grown." began in April, 2008 and has documented around 2 million visitors monthly.

National Gun Rights Examiner:

Cleveland Gun Rights Examiner:

Los Angeles Gun Rights Examiner:

St. Louis Gun Rights Examiner: