New York City 5/13/2011 1:06:33 AM
News / Law

NY Nightclub owner accused of molestation and harassment

By: Daun Lee

The owner of the Tenjune nightclub in New York City is being sued by three female employees who allege he sexually harassed and molested them.

The lawsuit filed in a Manhattan Civil Court yesterday alleges, Mark Birnbaum, repeatedly asked his employees for sex, molesting them and exposing himself. The plaintiffs say he repeatedly made inappropriate comments, requests for sexual favors. Birnbaum is also accused of pulling two women into a stairwell without security cameras and molesting them.

The lawyers for Birnbaum deny the allegations, saying they have worked at the club for years and are still employed. The law firm representing the women is also representing the women suing American Apparel owner Dov Charney.

In spite of the federal policies against sexual harassment in the workplace, the problem is still rampant. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission states that approximately 15,000 cases of sexual harassment are filed on a yearly basis. The EEOC also states that 62 percent of people subjected to sexual harassment do not report the issue or take action. It doesn’t matter if the harassment is just words or actual physical contact, no one should feel they have to just put up with it, and a sexual harassment attorney would agree.

Victims of sexual abuse may fear retaliation therefore they allow the problem to persist when they should contact a sexual harassment lawyer. These men and women can feel more confident about speaking out if represented by a sexual harassment attorney.