Venice 5/13/2011 3:34:02 AM
News / Law

ESPN announcer Jay Mariotti pleads not guilty of domestic violence

By: Daun Lee

The former ESPN announcer Jay Mariotti appeared before a court Wednesday to plead not guilty to three felony charges of domestic violence stemming from an altercation that took place outside a Venice California restaurant. The announcer, who once wrote for the Chicago Sun-Times, is accused of stalking and abusing his ex-girlfriend.

He appeared in court in September of 2010 on a misdemeanor charge of domestic violence and was ordered to stay away from her. In April the couple was involved in an altercation that resulted in physical harm. During the argument, Mariotti allegedly pulled a chunk of his ex-girlfriend’s hair out and grabbed her cell phone.

Mariotti denies the abuse allegations. If charged Mariotti faces up to five years in jail.

The couple wasn’t married. Domestic violence is an issue in numerous relationships and marriages. Domestic abuse can manifest in various means such as the physical, emotional, verbal and sexual. In relationships where abuse is present the violence or abuse often escalates. Anyone involved in an abusive marriage or is encouraged to leave their partners which can be facilitated by a divorce attorney.

A divorce lawyer can be instrumental in helping an abused client leave their spouse. Victims of spousal abuse often stay with their abusers because they feel they are unable to care for themselves. By retaining a divorce attorney these individuals may be able to seek support.