Los Angeles 5/13/2011 3:54:22 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Carrie Fisher becomes spokesperson for Jenny Craig diet program

By: Daun Lee

Actress Carrie Fisher signed on to be a spokesperson for Jenny Craig back in November. Fisher, who is most famous for her role in “Star Wars”, has lost 30 pounds in just 18 weeks.

Jenny Craig, just yesterday, was nominated by Consumer Reports as the most effective diet. Consumer Reports stated Jenny Craig clients lost weight and kept the weight off more than other diets plans. The diet plan includes pre-packaged meals, counseling and helps people become active.

Fisher said she has tried other diet plans and failed but she has had success with Jenny Craig. The actress topped off the scales at 180 and was embarrassed to leave her house. She said she has tried other diet plans but Jenny Craig is the only diet plan she has had success with.

The diet industry is big business because the majority of women in the US are unhappy with their sizes or weight. Losing weight can be difficult for many and a structured diet plan can help many.

For those who have reached a reasonable weight but are still battling fat, liposuction can be utilized to remove extra fat. Exercise can’t always eliminate fat in problem areas like the stomach or thighs. With liposuction, a client can pinpoint the exact areas where they store fat. Many people find that exercise alone doesn’t get rid of all the despised fat so liposuction can be helpful.