Libby 5/13/2011 9:47:59 PM
News / Health & Wellness

EPA still struggles to eliminate asbestos in Montana town

By: Daun Lee

Libby, Montana has been the site of massive EPA clean-up for over ten years and is now considered safe, but some areas still present health hazards. Libby was once covered in asbestos fibers from the W.R. Grace Vermiculite mine making the air toxic to its 3,000 residents.

The small Montana town was the most dangerous Superfund site in the country, and has cost close to $370 million to clean-up. The air which was once highly toxic has now been deemed safe. However, EPA officials say there are areas which still need to be addressed. These areas, they believe, have been contaminated by residents who track asbestos from areas that haven’t been cleaned up.

In Libby the vermiculite from the W.R. Grace mine was primarily used in homes, gardens and as back filler. The town has lost 400 over the past few decades residents to fatal diseases which have been attributed to the presence of asbestos.

Experts once believed the asbestos mined in Libby was more toxic than asbestos from other mines, but the EPA contradicts this finding.

Asbestos can cause a number of pulmonary diseases including mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a very aggressive cancer that attacks the lining of the lungs. Treating mesothelioma can be costly and the victims of asbestos exposure can employ a mesothelioma attorney to recoup some of the medical expenses.

Mesothelioma lawyers have the expertise necessary to determine who is accountable for an individual’s asbestos exposure. Any person who has contracted mesothelioma can benefit from retaining a mesothelioma attorney.