Hollywood, FL 5/14/2011 2:18:43 AM
News / People

Ron Paul Announces 2012 Presidential Campaign

Tea Party Favorite Ron Paul Will Run For President

Republican Texas representative Ron Paul announced on Friday that he will be running for the GOP nomination for president in 2012.

"Time has come around to the point where the people are agreeing with much of what I've been saying for 30 years. So, I think the time is right," said Paul, 75, who will be running for president for the third time.

Paul, an outspoken libertarian and a Tea Party favorite, made the expected announcement during an interview for 'Good Morning America'.

Paul is well-known for being a constitutionalist and an advocate for classical Republicanism, including less government and more individual freedoms.

His controversial causes include abolising the IRS, abolising the Federal Reserve, and legalizing marijuana. He stands out among his fellow GOP candidates because he wants the government to dramatically decrease military spending.

"The secret to his success is his authenticity," said Democratic consultant Jeff Crosby, who reportedly grew up in Paul's Texas district. "He's an authentic nut... Just the mere fact that he does what he says he's going to do, regardless of how nutty or ineffective it may be, they like it. A lot of folks along the coast have never expected much from government, and they're getting it."

(Sources: Associated Press)

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