Atlanta 5/16/2011 9:06:59 PM
News / Law

Georgia Governor signs controversial immigration bill

By: Daun Lee

Georgia governor signed what is believed to be the toughest immigration bill in the US. Governors of other states have passed their own bills to curb illegal immigration which they feel the Federal Government has done little to address the problem.

The Georgia bill requires some businesses to check the immigration status of new employees. The bill increases the authority of police and penalizes people who harbor or help illegal immigrants. There are 425,000 undocumented immigrants in the state.

Opponents to the Georgia bill will attempt to block the ruling because immigration laws fall under federal jurisdiction. The Arizona immigration bill was blocked by federal court and remains in litigation. The Obama administration has faced criticism from both sides of the immigration debate, the states don’t feel he has been tough on immigration and immigration advocates feel he has deported too many people.

Immigration activists believe the various bills passed by Arizona, Georgia and other states could lead to racial profiling. The Obama administration has deported over 300,000 undocumented immigrants, but there are still close to 11 million illegal immigrants in the US.

Staying in the US can be difficult. The process of getting visas and the chances of deportation are discouraging to immigrants. Employing an immigration attorney can increase a person’s chances of becoming naturalized citizens.

Becoming a US citizen with the help of an immigration lawyer has long term benefits for immigrants as they will be able to be involved in the democratic process.