New York City 5/16/2011 9:42:46 PM
News / Law

IMF manager arrested for sexual assault of hotel employee

By: Daun Lee

Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the Director of the International Monetary Fund, was arrested for sexual assault on Sunday. 

Strauss-Kahn was in New York City for personal business when he assaulted a maid for the hotel. The 32 year- old maid said that when she entered his room to clean he emerged from the shower nude and attempted to rape her and detain her.

The woman left the room and contacted her superiors along with the police. Upon arriving at the hotel room, Strauss-Kahn had vacated the room in haste, leaving behind some personal items. The police apprehended him at the JFK airport trying to flee the country. He was arrested and detained the victim of the assault picked him out of a line-up. Strauss-Kahn denies the woman’s allegations.

Power has often given people the impression they can san sexually harass or assault another. It’s an old story, and history is full of stories of people who assert their power in a sexual way. The workplace is a prime example, and sexual harassment attorneys will attest to the fact that thousands of workers are subjected to harassment or assault while on the job.

Approximately 15,000 cases of sexual harassment are reported to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission on an annual basis and many cases go unreported. In spite of the efforts of the EEOC and sexual harassment lawyers the problem is still rampant in the workforce. Hiring a sexual harassment atroney can help eliminate the harassment for the victim.