Atlanta 5/17/2011 12:39:38 AM
News / Law

Carlos Santana denounces Georgia immigration bill

By: Daun Lee

Legendary musician, Carlos Santana was in Atlanta over the weekend to accept a Beacon Award from Major League Baseball. During his acceptance speech, the musician who is of Hispanic descent denounced the Georgia HB 87 bill, which was signed into law on Friday by Governor Nathan Deal.

Santana was given the “Change” award for his ability to unify people through his music and “thinking innovatively”. Throughout his five decade career, the rock legend has had  at least one top ten album every decade.

The controversial immigration bill makes it mandatory for police and employers to check the status of people they believe to be immigrants. The detractors of the bill feel that it will lead to racial profiling and adversely affect the state’s economy.

In his speech before an Atlanta Braves game, Santana told residents of Georgia and Arizona, who also passed a controversial immigration bill, that “you should be ashamed of yourselves.”

The over 11 million illegal aliens who don’t apply for visas or citizenship, with the help of an immigration attorney, face deportation. The largest majority of immigrants present in the US come from Latin-American countries. They are seeking a safer place to live and more economic opportunities.

Applying for naturalization can be time consuming and many risk denial of their application. Hiring an immigration lawyer can increase the probability that a citizenship application is accepted. Immigration attorneys have the experience necessary to help those who are here illegally gain citizenship.