Port Au Price 5/18/2011 1:13:05 AM
News / Law

Haitian immigrants granted more time while their country rebuilds

By: Daun Lee

The island nation of Haiti is still trying to rebuild after the devastating earthquakes that hit last year. The country lost a great deal of infrastructure and thousands of people were killed or displaced. These people who were left homeless and many became refugees who sought asylum in other countries.

In response to the needs of the refugees, the US government allowed close to 48,000 Haitian people to come to the US. The refugees are allowed to work and reside in the US until stability is achieved in their country. The asylum for Haitian refugees was due to expire in July, but the Department of Homeland Security has extended the amnesty for an additional 18 months.

In addition to the time extension, Homeland Security will also allow Haitian refugees in the US since January 11th to be eligible for asylum. Previously only refugees who came here immediately after the earthquakes were given the protection. They must continually reside in the US for protection. The refugees who wish to live in the US beyond the assigned time must apply for citizenship with the help of an immigration attorney.

Refugees who meet the right criteria can apply for US citizenship. An immigration attorney can inform the hopeful immigrant if they qualify for citizenship. The process of naturalization can be difficult to understand for the refugee especially if they speak another language but an immigration lawyer can offer necessary assistance.