Port St. Lucie 5/18/2011 9:44:56 PM
News / Law

Florida Estate Planning Attorney Presents Special Program for Women

Florida estate planning lawyer Genny Bernstein is on a mission to educate South Florida women about the need for life planning and estate planning.  An attorney with The Karp Law Firm, Bernstein is presenting "Estate Planning 101 for Women: Secure Your Future, Protect Your Family" to audiences of women in Palm Beach, Martin, St. Lucie, Indian River and Broward counties.

Women face special estate planning challenges, notably:

Women constitute 66% of all those caring for a person who is aged or disabled. Often, these caregivers are also caring for children at the same time.  

Despite their role in caregiving, 6 in 10 women do not know how they would pay for their own long-term care if it was ever needed.

Women live longer than their male counterparts, meaning they will need to make their assets stretch even more. Widows greatly outnumber widowers.

Because women have often interrupted their careers to care for children, they have lesser retirement benefits.

According to Bernstein, these facts mean that women of all ages must take steps to protect their assets; keep the courts out of their financial and medical decisions; and protect their children's inheritance. 

Some of the specific topics Bernstein addresses in her program are: how to appoint someone to make your health care decisions in the event of disability; powers and perils of the Florida Durable Power of Attorney; estate planning strategies for women who are divorced or in the process of divorcing; the importance of selecting the right beneficiaries; steps that may be taken to avoid impoverishment if a woman or her spouse needs long-term nursing care; and avoiding the expense and hassle of probate. Also covered are estate planning considerations for women in second marriages who have children from prior marriages and the role of life insurance in estate planning. Attendees receive a handbook specifically addressing the specific estate planning needs of Florida women. 

To find out more about the program and schedule Florida estate planning attorney Bernstein's presentation for your organization, contact The Karp Law Firm at 800-893-9911.

Attorney Genny Bernstein is a member of the national attorney network on LawyerCentral.com.

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