Washington 5/19/2011 12:48:30 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Cuts to EPA budget will affect asbestos removal

By: Daun Lee

The need to reduce the Federal deficit has the GOP requiring cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency. In 2010, the EPA budget was cut by 16 percent and current talks may lead to less funding for the agency. Most of the proposed budgets cuts will affect the Clean Air Act, which was enacted to reduce greenhouse gases; those in favor of the cuts feel as though emission regulations hinder businesses and contribute to unemployment.

The EPA, not only regulates harmful emissions, it also regulates the use asbestos. Asbestos is a group of minerals that can be toxic if inhaled, because of this it is regulated by the Clean Air Act. Budget cuts will affect asbestos abatement and removal. The EPA often devotes funding and time to asbestos removal from schools and buildings. Cases of mesothelioma continue to rise, and with less asbestos being removed from buildings, the frequency of mesothelioma cases will increase throughout the future.

Asbestos causes a few different lung ailments including mesothelioma, which is an aggressive cancer that causes tumors to grow on the lining of crucial internal organs and is eventually fatal. Mesothelioma attorneys have helped many people suffering from asbestos-related illnesses get the funds needed for their healthcare.

Mesothelioma lawyers have extensive knowledge about asbestos and the diseases it causes. Pain and suffering greatly diminishes the quality of the life for a mesothelioma patient. Retaining a mesothelioma attorney can attain compensation in order to make the cancer patient more comfortable.