Los Angeles 5/19/2011 2:53:35 AM
News / Law

Sugar Ray Leonard reveals he was sexually abused

By: Daun Lee

Sugar Ray Leonard is a legend in the boxing world and won an Olympic Gold Medal in 1976. The prominent boxer is the subject of a biography, The Big Fight: My life In and Out of the Ring. In the book he talks about being sexually abused as a young man.

Leonard reveals that while training for the Olympics a well-known coach sexually abused him on two occasions. At the time Sugar Ray was fifteen and ran from the building after the abuse which involved inappropriate touching and oral contact “on an area that has haunted my life”. The name of the coach isn’t mentioned in his novel and is now deceased.

Leonard’s biography also details his problems with cocaine addiction and the domestic abuse he was subjected to as a youngster.

Sexual abuse and harassment is a widespread problem both for males and females. One out of six boys are victims of sexual abuse. Recently male celebrities like Tyler Perry and Gabriel Byrne have come forward to talk about the sexual abuse they endured as children.  

Men also are subjected to sexual harassment at college or on the job, the best way to stop this is problem is to employ a sexual harassment lawyer. Seven percent of men have stated they have been sexually harassed at work either by another man or women. Sexual harassment attorneys can help eliminate this problem for male victims of sexual harassment. A working environment should be free of all harassment and a sexual harassment lawyer can work towards that goal.