Fort Lauderdale 5/19/2011 10:31:24 PM
News / Law

Alcohol and drug use increases for seniors

By: Daun Lee

Often we associate drug or alcohol abuse with the naiveté of youth but a new study revealed substance abuse is growing among seniors.  Between the years of 1992 and 2008, the number of people over 50 entering into treatment facilities or programs has doubled.

Many of the seniors who enter in treatment cite that life changes, like retirement or death of loved ones, and pain have led to their increasing dependence on drugs and alcohol. For seniors alcohol is the most commonly abused substance but prescription and illicit drug use has increased over the 16 year period of the study. Heroin abuse is the most prevalently used illicit drug and cocaine comes in second.

Experts believe the numbers of seniors with substance abuse issues will increase, as more baby boomers age.

For some people entering treatment is a choice, but many others are forced onto treatment because of drug offenses or DUIs. The intoxicated senior can be especially prone to creating hazardous situations while they are driving.  Their ability to react in an emergency situation is already diminished by age, and adding an intoxicating substance only makes thing worse.

Anyone, senior or otherwise should hire a DUI attorney if they are faced with an intoxicated driving charge. By retaining a DUI attorney the accused may see their punishments and fines reduced. A DUI lawyer may make it possible for them to keep their driver’s license and get much needed substance abuse treatment.