Los Angeles 1/23/2009 6:32:14 AM
News / Law

HOLLYWOOD P.I.: What Duct Tape and A Heart Shaped Sticker Tells Us About Caylee's Killer?

New information released on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 regarding the “heart shaped sticker” could tell investigators many things. Outlined below are possible scenarios to consider from veteran investigator and court qualified missing persons expert, Lawrence Olmstead of Hollywood Private Investigations in Los Angeles.

The duct tape found on Caylee's mouth is very interesting. After all, she's three years old, who would have to duct tape her mouth to keep her quite? Why would someone duct tape her mouth? Looking at it from a sound perspective, if she knew she was going to be hurt by anyone, she'd most likely cry or scream, indicating that at one point during the ordeal leading to her death, she was conscious and someone wanted to keep her quite. If reports indicate that duct tape or another object covered her nose as well, then one could speculate the tape was used to restrict air to the victim at some point as well as limiting sound.

It would not had been necessary for Casey Anthony to place duct tape over Caylee's mouth, since she was her mother and had anyone noticed the child crying or screaming, it would not draw too much attention. However, someone other than her mother may have had to use duct tape to silence Caylee, as if the child was scared or injured she would not have stoped crying.

Keep in mind, criminals, especially murderers, depending on their intellect often stage a placment of their victims' bodies. They've been known to do all sorts of things, such as pose them, put make-up on them, dismember them, and place body parts in patterns and sometimes even dress them as if they were putting them to bed for the night. “Mothers who kill their children would be less likely to do violent or gruesome things to the child and would have removed the tape from the child's mouth before disposing of the body,” said Olmstead.

Picture a child dressed for bed tucked in nice and cozy without a fear in the world. Unknowingly, the trusting child was drugged before she went to bed and fell asleep safe and sound. Once the victim was fast asleep and possibly deceased, a heart shaped sticker was placed over her mouth, followed up with a piece of duct tape for good measure just in case the victim woke up while being transported to an area for placement/disposal. In this scenario, someone very close to the victim could be the suspect, someone who loved the child, or cared for her greatly.

Another person who might dress a child as described from the recovery of Caylee's body could be a pedophile, who took the victim, possibly with permission in this case, then sexually assaulted them over a period of days knowing they could not keep the child because someone might notice. Once the pedophile knew he had to discontinue his torture, he had no choice but to make the killing of the child look like it was done by her mother; whom he knew had a history of neglect.

The heart shaped sticker is certainly a symbol of love, but who would have loved a child so much they allowed or caused their death? “Only someone who loves themself,” said Olmstead.”

We all have to be patient and let the authorities do their job, but once the autopsy, including toxicology reports are released, all parties involved will know more and be better equipped to focus energy on the right suspects. While it's easy to draw conclusions and some things may seem obvious, there are things we can't see right now that will make all the difference as how to proceed.

We are continuing our efforts in the search for the truth and if we develop any new information will be reporting it to authorities. So we encourage anyone with information in this case to contact Hollywood Private Investigations at 661-492-4910 or the Caylee Anthony tip line at 407-442-2814.


Lawrence Olmstead

Hollywood Private Investigations


