Washington 5/20/2011 10:02:38 PM
News / Law

Parents of Virginia teen sues Four Loko

By: Daun Lee

The parents of a Washington DC teenager have filed a wrongful death lawsuit against the makers of Four Loko. Their son, Bo Rupp was killed when he was struck by a sport-utility vehicle while he was sitting in the middle of a dark street.

Four Loko has been under scrutiny for some time and several states have banned the drink. The drink is thought to be dangerous because the caffeine content is thought to mask the effects of the alcohol leading people to consume more.

The parents allege that the teen was disoriented after he consumed two cans of Four Loko; one can is estimated to be the equivalence of a few beers. His parents dropped their son off at a concert venue, before entering Bo and his friends consumed the Four Lokos they obtained at a local convenience store. Bo was thrown out of the venue because of his intoxication, which was initially masked by the caffeine contained in the drink. After his mother picked him up the teen fled form the car and sat in the middle of the road where he was struck and died from his injuries.

His parents allege that the Four Loko made him disoriented and subsequently caused his death. Representatives for the drink manufacturer state they aren’t libel since the drink is intended for people 21 and older.

Traffic collisions are one of the major causes of personal injury or fatalities. The families of deceased loved ones or the injured can gain compensation for their suffering by hiring an accident attorney. Experience in dealing with negligence cases gives accident lawyers the skills necessary to obtain accident victims the maximum settlements allowed.