London 5/20/2011 11:17:31 PM
News / Law

English rocker Peter Doherty sentenced to jail for possession

By: Daun Lee

Peter Doherty, most famous as the front man for the Babyshambles, was sentenced to six months in jail by a London court for cocaine possession. He was arrested after an heiress and filmmaker, Robyn Whitehead, was found dead in her apartment while making a biopic about Doherty.

Doherty, 32 was arrested by police for possession because he was present at the address where Whitehead overdosed. She overdosed at the apartment of Peter Wolfe, 42.

Wolfe and Doherty were filmed doing crack cocaine with Whitehead. In the film Whitehead is shown smoking a crack pipe handed to her by Wolfe, she died from heroin poisoning. She had crack and heroin in her system at the time of the autopsy. Neither Doherty nor Wolfe was found guilty of contributing to her death.

Doherty has been charged with possession on 13 different occasions so he is familiar with the inside of a jail cell.

Possession of a controlled substance is one way to land in jail. Another way to get put in jail is to be charged with a DUI, especially if it is a second or third offense. Hiring a DUI lawyer can make avoiding jail time a reality.

Any controlled substance can inhibit a person’s ability to drive. Thousands of people are killed or harmed by people who drive under the influence of substances; therefore the courts are tough on these individuals.  Representation of a DUI lawyer can help reduce the punishments handed down by the courts.