Tampa 5/21/2011 12:39:22 AM
News / Law

Husband of murderess Julia Schenecker granted divorce

By: Daun Lee

Parker Schnenecker was granted a divorce on Thursday by a Florida judge. Julia Schenecker is charged with killing her two teenage children in January. She has plead not guilty to the charges.

That day in January investigators say that Julia shot her 13 year old son twice in the head inside her van after he talked back to her. When she arrived home, she left her son’s body in the passenger seat, and then went into the house, where she found her 16 year old daughter doing homework on the computer. She shot her daughter in the back of the head and then in the face. The bodies of the children were found in the family home.

Judge Cheryl Thompson of Hillsborough County granted the couple a divorce stating that their marriage is “irretrievably broken.” Mr. Schenecker, who is a colonel in the Army, was on military deployment when the shootings occurred.

A hearing to divide the couple’s assets will be held July 6. Under current divorce laws Parker may have to pay monthly support to his wife even if she is found guilty and goes to prison.

Although the decision to grant dissolution was easy for the judge presiding over this case, other divorces aren’t as cut and dry. No matter what the circumstances are retaining a divorce lawyer can assure dissolution is granted. Division of shared assets is one of the primary concerns for a divorce attorney in any divorce case.