Detroit 5/23/2011 10:38:28 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Turmeric extract helps fight mesothelioma cells

By: Daun Lee

A recent study conducted by the Karmanos Cancer Institute of Detroit, Michigan showed that an extract of turmeric can help kill off mesothelioma cancer cells. The extract curcumin when combined with chemotherapy can cause apoptosis, or cell death.

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer which leads to the growth of malignant tumors on the lining of crucial internal organs, most notably the lungs. Mesothelioma is caused by inhaling the fibers of asbestos and is very difficult to treat with chemotherapy or radiation because the apoptosis pathways are disrupted by tumor growth.

A mesothelioma tumor interrupts cell cycles and disrupts apoptosis, but The Karmanos Cancer Institute found that curcumin can re-build the neural pathways that help kill off cancer cells.  Oral dosages of curcumin given both to laboratory mice and humans were shown to suppress the growth of malignant mesothelioma cells. Pretreatment of curcumin has also made malignant cells more responsive to cisplatin, the drug commonly used to treat mesothelioma.

Discovering effective treatments is crucial as it takes decades for the asbestos-related cancer to develop. Although use of asbestos is heavily regulated in the US incidents of mesothelioma are predicted to rise worldwide, especially in developing nations were asbestos isn’t regulated.

People who contract mesothelioma will be faced with high medical costs and can benefit from representation of a mesothelioma attorney. Because some industries like oil refinery and construction use asbestos, people who work in these fields will need mesothelioma lawyers to fight for compensation so victims of the deadly cancer will be able to afford treatment. Mesothelioma attorneys have extensive knowledge in dealing with asbestos related diseases.