Los Angeles 5/24/2011 1:44:37 AM
News / Entertainment

Mad Men star Christina Hendricks talks about her voluptuous shape

By: Daun Lee

Actress Christina Hendricks is probably one of the most voluptuous stars on TV. The curvy redhead is asked often about her ample breasts.

Christina told the Daily Mail of the UK, “It’s so bizarre that people ask me if they are real.” The producers of Mad Men have encouraged their actresses to maintain a more buxom figure more akin to the way women looked in the sixties. The popularity of Mad Men in the UK has led to the increase of breast augmentations in the country as more and more women try to achieve the hourglass figure popularized by the show’s female actresses. 

The number of women seeking breast augmentations has increased 39 percent since 2000, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. Many of the women who get these augmentations chose to go two up sizes larger.

The social mores have changed considerably in regards to plastic surgery and one of the most common procedures that both men and women seek out is liposuction.

Although, it was fashionable to have a fuller figure in the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, things are much different today and smaller sizes are thought to be more physically attractive. In the 20th century thin is in, exercise can help trim a person’s figure but it can be difficult to eliminate all the extra fat in areas like the stomach and buttocks. Liposuction offers the patient a chance to target the areas of their body they want to reduce.