Washington 5/24/2011 2:54:18 AM
News / Business

Toyota facing criticism over safety issues

By: Daun Lee

Toyota has recalled millions of vehicles over the past couple of years over safety concerns. Their autos have had a variety of problems from sticky gas pedals to defective brakes.  The numerous incidents of faulty manufacturing led to the development of a stateside safety panel headed by former transportation secretary Rodney Slater to review how they can improve the safety of their vehicles.

According to the findings of the safety panel, the reason for so the prevalence of safety issues come from a lack of adequate communication between the company executives, based in Japan, and department managers based in the US.  The panel stated that that the company’s different units have not adequately shared information that could improve safety of their vehicles and the Japanese executives have been slow to respond to safety concerns.

The panel stated that Toyota emphasizes quality but not safety. The idea being that manufacturing a quality vehicle means a safe vehicle, which has not been the case. Toyota has instituted some of the changes suggested by the panel which was set up a year ago.

Last year, some Toyota vehicles with acceleration problems were recalled, but not before some people were injured. The harm caused by defective manufacturing can be costly to victims involved in a collision and are urged to seek out an accident lawyer.

Individuals who were injured in accidents involving faulty vehicle manufacturing can hire an accident attorney to obtain compensation either for the loss of property or injury. An accident lawyer will work to be certain their clients can recoup the losses caused by faulty vehicles.