It has become increasingly common in recent years for Los Angeles rehab facilities to treat alcoholism in the same way they treat other forms of addiction. This is a tremendously unfortunate development. The truth is that alcoholism is fundamentally distinct from drug abuse, and alcoholics require fundamentally distinct assistance on the road to addiction recovery. Any treatment center which fails to recognize that much can’t possibly be expected to help its clients over the long run.
Sunset Malibu understands the unique needs of alcoholism victims. That’s why Sunset’s advanced addiction treatment programs are designed on a case-by-case basis, after a thorough evaluation of each client’s personal case history. It’s that sort of personal attention that accounts for the robust success rate enjoyed by Sunset Malibu’s alcohol rehab residents. It’s also what makes Sunset the absolute right place for you.
You don’t need a lecture on the perils of alcohol abuse. You know what’s at stake; you know that alcohol abuse strips its victims of their dignity, and their capacity for hope. Now it’s time to let Sunset Malibu help you win the fight. The day you arrive at Sunset’s elegant private compound to begin your alcohol rehabilitation, will quite literally be the first day of the rest of your life. In the end, any other course of action is simply unacceptable.
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