Addiction is a profoundly personal problem. Addiction treatment, in turn, must be a profoundly personal process. Unfortunately, some of the most high-priced addiction treatment facilities in Los Angeles offer generic rehab programs, as if what worked for one client should automatically work for the next. But this simply isn’t the case. If you’re going to get sober, it’s going to have to be on your own terms. Any substance abuse treatment center which fails to recognize that much can’t possibly help you get where you’re trying to go.
Cliffside Malibu was founded on the principle that every client is a unique individual with unique individual needs. A heroin addict must first go through a heroin detox program, and then start a special heroin treatment program. An opiate addict must also go through detox and a treatment program, but opiate detox and treatment is different from that of heroin. That’s why each one of Cliffside’s exclusive treatment programs is designed on a case-by-case basis, with the explicit goal of promoting personal wellness. It’s also why so many of Cliffside’s residents achieve meaningful and lasting healing when compared to the recovery success rate of other rehabs. Cliffside’s expert counselors and therapists know how to make rehab work for you. All that remains is for you to let them prove it to you.
As addiction treatment must be a personal process, so too must addiction recovery begin with a personal choice. For all its successes, Cliffside Malibu is powerless to help a client who refuses to walk through the front door. In cases like this a drug intervention is often necessary, and Cliffside can help with this too. Please, for your own sake, don’t wait any longer to make the right decision. The day you arrive at Cliffside Malibu’s elegant private estate will be the day you start rediscovering life as you used to know it, and yourself as you used to be. You will never, ever, regret having done the necessary thing.
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