Sheridan 6/1/2011 7:34:41 PM
News / Law

Obama Charged with Treason

Why Treason Charge Against Obama was Filed More than Two Years Ago

On March 17, 2009, the first criminal complaint accusing Barack Hussein Obama of treason was filed by Walter Francis Fitzpatrick, III with the U.S. Attorney in the Eastern District of Tennessee, Russell Dedrick.  The complaint cited the events of March 10, 2009, wherein U.S. Army troops were sent to the town of Samson, AL to act as law enforcement officers in violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.

The complaint did not specifically raise the constitutional eligibility question on which many bloggers and news agencies had begun to report since mid-2008, but rather, named Obama as a “foreign born domestic enemy.”  Fitzpatrick renewed the complaint on March 17 of this year with the new Obama-appointed U.S. Attorney for his district, William C. Killian, who has the ability to place it in front of two federal grand juries sitting in Knoxville, TN.

In light of the recent statements of Dr. Jerome Corsi that Obama was born in Kenya, The Post & Email asked LCDR Fitzpatrick how he knew in March 2009 that Obama had been born outside of the country.

MRS. RONDEAU: When you filed the criminal complaint, how did you know that Obama was a “foreign-born domestic enemy?”

LCDR FITZPATRICK: It would have been late 2008 and early 2009.  It was a combination of things that Sergeant of Marines Timothy Joseph Harrington and I were looking at aggressively with laser-beam focus.  Leading up to the election in 2008, Tim Harrington and I plus others, chiefly among them, Atty. Phil Berg and Atty. Orly Taitz, were trying to find out what this man’s pedigree was, what his heritage was; whether he was a legitimate candidate for president of the United States and commander-in-chief.

We came up with nothing.  All suspicions went to Mr. Obama as having been born in Mombasa, Kenya.
