Cigars International’s “Joe Cigar” daily deal feature was created by Cigars International with one thing in mind: deep discounts on premium cigars, with deals changing every 24 hours. As if Joe’s daily deals weren’t crazy enough, Cigars International is pleased to introduce Joe’s Jambalaya – a limited time burst of deals in rapid succession, up to 40 per day.
With Joe’s Jambalaya, once a deal sells out, a completely different deal immediately replaces it. The “Jambalaya” status bar displays the approximate time to conclusion for each deal but other than that, the number, sequence, and quantity of deals are not announced. This is non-stop, fast-paced action – never seen before in the cigar industry. So while Joe’s daily deal is live each day, Joe’s Jambalaya is completely random.
“CI is very excited about the opportunity to bring customers a new way of purchasing handmade cigars at major discounts. Joe Cigar – and now Joe’s Jambalaya, which is like a 1-day deal on steroids – are unique opportunities to save big on premium brand handmades,” noted CI Merchandising Manager Steve Rowbottom, adding “these deals are constantly changing and frequently sell out due to the significant savings.”
Consumers can access Joe’s daily deals by visiting
Cigars International, Inc. is the industry leading internet and catalog retailer of handmade cigars. Cigars International ( offers the highest level of quality, service, pricing, and selection. CI features hundreds of top brands, housing nearly 30 million cigars in stock any given day, including the world’s finest national, boutique, and exclusive brand names, in addition to closeout deals and cigar-related accessories.