Atlanta, Ga. 1/30/2009 11:13:27 PM
News / Law

Casey Anthony Murder Case Facing Delay as No Trial Date Set on Friday

Casey Anthony will likely be facing a delay in her scheduled March murder case after Circuit Court Judge Stan Strickland set another trial status hearing for late February or early March.


There has been a push from Casey Anthony’s attorney, Jose Baez, to delay the proceedings to allow more time to examine evidence against the 22-year-old Orlando woman.


Casey Anthony stands accused of murdering her 2-year-old daughter Caylee Anthony, a charge she has denied since her arrest several months ago. According to Casey Anthony she dropped her daughter off with a babysitter in June and when she returned both were gone.


Anthony didn’t report her daughter missing for more than a month and investigators quickly focused on her as the main suspect. A wealth of evidence has been gathered against the mother including DNA evidence found in the trunk of her car, the discovery of chloroform in her vehicle and most recently items from the wooded area where Caylee was found have been linked back to the home where she shared with her mother and grandparents.


The remains of Caylee Anthony were found last month in a wooded area less than a half mile from that home. On Friday it was revealed that a Winnie the Pooh blanket found at the scene matched a set that was found at the house.


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