WOULD you like to rub elbows with bloggers that make between $10,000 to $100,000 a month this fall? If the answer is yes, please email our editor, Rene Tse at Kashkats@gmail.com so we can offer you a chance to sign up on our new Face Book fan page and alert you how you can register and pay only $150 to learn how you can meet people who make $10,000 to $100,000 a month blogging. Rene Tse, has owned and operated this website: www.free-cellular-phone-deals.com since 1999. She will be making a come back by combining: Social Media & Face Book Marketing, E-mail marketing, Search Engine Optimization and Paid Facebook marketing over the next 6 Months.
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Below is an excerpt from the article
College is a scam — so let’s make money off it
"Student-loan debt is now greater than credit-card debt for the first time ever. After the huge debt crisis we experienced in 2008 and the financial bust in housing that ruined so many lives, you would think we would be having more of a national discussion on this — but we just aren’t.
As a result, for the first time ever, we are graduating a generation of indentured servants rather than the entrepreneurs, innovators, artists and inventors.
We strongly suggest that you buy a 1 penny smartphone now from our website. You can build a brand new blogging internet marketing business using the brand new smartphone you just purchased from our website. Rene will be attending a blogging conference this fall. Invite yourself to get out of the rat race. Thank you