Los Angeles 1/31/2009 9:27:57 AM
News / Law

How Nancy Grace Perverts Truth and Justice For Profit

Read CNN legal commentator Nancy Grace's dirty laundry and how she perverts the truth and justice of the stories she covers for profit

Every day, millions of people tune into Nancy Grace, a bubble headed bleach blond lunatic on CNN, and revel in her statements and actions as is if they were gospel handed done by God himself. I know this first hand, as my mother who sits glued to the T.V. for her daily dose of Nancy brainwashing is one of them. While many people love Nancy, and think she can do no wrong, a growing number of intelligent people can see beyond her antics and know she’s nothing more then an overpriced spin doctor for CNN to boost ratings.  

Nancy, who holds a law degree from Mercer Univ-W.George and a masters in criminal law from NYU, was admitted to the Georgia State Bar on June 14, 1984 after taking an  oath to obey the Georgia Rules of Professional Conduct.  While she’s quick to jump all over defense attorneys for their misconduct, she has a dirty laundry file of misdeeds as a lawyer of her own.

Read The Full Story On Nancy's Dirty Laundry By Clicking Here!