Los Angeles 2/1/2009 3:57:00 AM
News / Law

New Liberty Book Emphasizes Carrying Burdens Over Being Carried In Victimhood.

Gun rights advocate shows how armed citizens set the example in just how unnecessay many costly programs are.

John Longenecker’s new book – Safe Streets In the Nationwide Concealed Carry Of Handguns – isn’t even about guns, but about carrying our own burdens, a refreshing new take on safer streets. [Contrast Media Press, 2008]

Safe Streets was recently featured as Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s latest ‘must read’ for family, and Safe Streets has joined Dr. Laura’s Reading Corner Page on her Dr. Laura website.

"The right to carry a handgun began with the first right of insisting we carry our own burdens," says author John Longenecker. "The first responsibility of gun ownership is not in the safe management of a deadly device, but in rising to the responsibility of protecting self and loved ones first, because no one else will."

No matter what anti-violence programs are passed, no one will ever take your place as the first line of defense for self and community, Longenecker writes. Longenecker also postulates that the repeal of gun laws will thoroughly impeach so many costly programs as utterly unnecessary in fighting crime; that Americans could find a renewal of their independence from their own public servants in all things in this country.

On-air talkradio interviews at Premier Radio Networks and others in 2008 generated not controversy, but positive listener response to the idea of a nationwide concealed carry program as superior to dozens of anti-violence programs administered at taxpayer expense.

Longenecker is one of the latest Gun Rights Examiners to join the new, mainstream, feature-rich Examiner.com

"Thank you for making the connection of the Second Amendment to our kitchen tables." wrote Lynne Roberts, Second Amendment Sisters, in a book review.

"It’s all about connectivity," says Longenecker, "of the armed citizen to impeaching by obvious example many go-nowhere policies on whether we are a nation of self-rule or of simply being ruled."

CONTACT: John Longenecker direct, available via telephone on short notice. 562-925-0652

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