When we think of the term “academic summer camp,” one of the first thoughts
that comes to mind is the image of “summer school” and the initial cringe
associated with it. Fortunately, programs such as Quantum Learning Network’s
SuperCamp have rewritten the book on the academic summer
camp experience. Rather than teach specific curriculum, SuperCamp teaches
students how to learn and comprehend more effectively in all areas.
One of the ways in which students learn academic skills at SuperCamp is through
Quantum Reading. While SuperCamp is much more than a reading skills camp, the
improved reading
comprehension and reading speed students acquire benefit campers for years
to come.
Quantum Reading works by covering both reading comprehension and reading speed,
as these two facets work together in how the brain retains information.
Improved reading comprehension and increased reading speed helps students
complete their studying in less time, while producing higher grades. By using a
combination of high interest level, highly focused concentration and specific
reading comprehension and reading speed strategies, the new student reading
skills capitalize on the brain’s ability to grasp several words at once.
Many students consider reading to be a chore, which is why SuperCamp includes
Quantum Reading instruction at both of the program’s levels. At the start of
the reading skills segment, students measure their reading speed and also come
up with a reading comprehension score. At the completion of the academic
session, they measure their reading comprehension and speed again to see how
much improvement they have made. In many cases, the final result shows a
tripling, or even quadrupling of speed and retention!
SuperCamp’s Quantum Reading program covers six steps: Preparation (learning the
ABCs of reading), Getting into State (techniques), Eyes and Hands (methods for
using the power of the eyes and hands as guides), SuperScan (a way to quickly
expose the eyes and brain to the pages), Reading, and Review (how to recap for
optimal comprehension).
At SuperCamp, students are encouraged to use these skills to explore their
interests, discover new passions and find answers immediately rather than
letting potentially big ideas slip away. In other words, students learn that
enhanced reading comprehension and reading speed will help them in school and,
just as importantly, will open new doors to them in their lives away from
school as well.
Quantum Reading is only one of the many academic experiences students take in
while at SuperCamp. To learn more about this tool and to find out more about
SuperCamp's summer
enrichment programs, please call 1-800-285-3276 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 1-800-285-3276 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.