Washington 6/8/2011 3:26:25 AM
News / Law

Supreme Court rules in favor of Arizona immigration

By: Daun Lee

The Supreme Court held up The Legal Arizona Worker’s Act; signed into law in 2006 but not yet enacted due to litigation. Arizona has passed controversial immigration laws in reaction to the flood of illegal immigrant who cross the Mexico into their state.

Arizona passed these tough immigration laws in the perceived absence of Federal laws which would protect their state. The Feds have previously stated that immigration laws fall under their jurisdiction, but the ruling of the Supreme Court has decided the LAWA Act is constitutional.

According to the Arizona law, any business who knowingly or intentionally hires illegal immigrants could face losing their business license. The LAWA act also requires employers to verify legal status through an e-verify system. Both South Carolina and Mississippi, have passed laws similar to Arizona. Illegal immigrants can keep their jobs by retaining an immigration lawyer to help them become citizens.

This is a small victory for Arizona who has an even tougher immigration bill entering the Supreme Court. The SB-1070 will likely not be as victorious as the LAWA Act.  SB-1070 requires police to check the immigration status of an individual while enforcing other laws such as a routine traffic stop. It also gives police the authority to arrest a person without a warrant. Becoming a citizen with the aid of an immigration attorney is the surest way to avoid arrest and deportation.

Many states are pushing tough immigration bills through their houses in the effort to curtail the influx of illegal immigrants. For those who are willing, an immigration lawyer can help these individuals obtain citizenship.