Sheridan 6/8/2011 10:09:04 AM
News / Law

Congressional Conspiracy by both parties uncovered?

Have both parties joined the Conspiracy to defraud Americans?

There is a fraudulent and illegal resident in the United States White House by the name of Barack Hussein Obama II. This fraud was able to get a seat in the white house through political scheming and deception. The media outlets were all too scared to report what they knew about Barack Obama but now the US Patriots Union is doing it for them.

At 3:00 today the US Patriots Union will release information that shows that Barack Obama is not a legal resident of the White House and should not be allowed to have ever run for the office of the presidency. It has been proven that he is not a natural born citizen of the United States and the evidence exists to support it. Before his election Article II – Section I – Clause V of the United States Constitution was challenged several times in an attempt to clear his path to victory.

The column will prove that there was a conspiracy to put Barack Obama in the office of the President and that there were many people along the way who helped clear the path. The conspiracy is obvious when it is taken into account that Barack Obama has accomplished nothing in his political career but has achieved the Nation’s highest office.

This column will be hand delivered to the following members of the United States Government: John Boehner; Rep Conyers, John, Jr; Rep Rohrabacher, Dana; Rep Sherman, Brad; Rep Frank, Barney; Rep Issa, Darrell E; Sen Coburn, Tom; Sen Leahy, Patrick J; Rep Pelosi, Nancy; Sen John Kerry; Sen McCaskill, Claire ; Supreme Court.
