Washington 6/9/2011 2:24:56 AM
News / Law

Can sexting be considered cheating?

By: Daun Lee

Thanks to our very intelligent cell phones we can take photographs of whatever we please, and share them with our friends. People do it every day and those photos can be racy to share with our spouses or lovers. But if you are married and send explicit photos to someone other than your spouse, is that considered cheating?

The recent controversy that has enveloped Rep Antony Weiner over his sext messages to six different women has made many wonder if it is considered cheating. Football player Brett Favre also sent text messages to Jenn Sterger, even though he was married.  Using a cell phone to send sexually explicit photos or sex talk is becoming increasingly common, and can be fun when you aren’t hurting another person like your spouse.

According to psychologist, Yvonne Thomas, in an interview with the Huffington Post, sending sext messages can be considered cheating, and some may choose to hire a divorce lawyer to end their marriages. “When you are going outside the boundaries of what you are supposed to be sharing, emotionally and physically, only with your partner, cheating is cheating is cheating,” says Thomas.

Infidelity is a common reason people enlist divorce attorneys to dissolve their marriages. Close to 57 percent of men and 54 percent of women cheat on their spouses.

Rep. Weiner says he and his wife won’t need a divorce lawyer, but she has yet to speak publicly about the sext messages and their future as a couple.