New York City 6/9/2011 2:56:51 AM
News / Law

Central Park restaurant under federal investigation for sexual harassment

By: Daun Lee

The Boathouse restaurant in Central Park is being investigated for sexual harassment. Six current and former female workers allege that sexual harassment was rampant in the establishment, and have enlisted sexual harassment attorneys to file a lawsuit.

The women allege that supervisors at the restaurant repeatedly harassed them through various means, according to the New York Daily Post. One supervisor showed employees naked photos of women he supposedly slept with. He is also accused of fondling the breasts of a banquet worker and repeatedly soliciting dates from a married worker. When she refused to go out with him, he retaliated by giving her one of the hardest jobs in the restaurant. Another supervisor talked about which waitresses and customers he would like to take to bed.

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, along with sexual harassment lawyers representing the female employees, has launched an investigation into the allegations.  A representative for the Boathouse owner, Dean Poll, stated that employees are aware of the zero tolerance policy the restaurant has concerning sexual harassment. He further stated that management was not aware of the problem, despite claims that the victims informed Poll and the manager of the problem.

The continued efforts of the EEOC and sexual harassment attorneys have not eliminated the problem of sexual harassment in the workplace. Between 40 and 70 percent of women state they have been sexually harassed in the workplace, the majority of these women don’t report the harassment.