Washington 6/9/2011 9:22:36 PM
News / Law

Secure Communities protested by three states

By: Daun Lee

In the attempt to curtail illegal immigration the Obama administration enacted the Secure Communities act, but the Governors of Illinois, Massachusetts and New York are refusing to participate.

The Secure Communities act requires police officials to send fingerprints of people being held on criminal charges to a Federal database to verify immigration status. The purpose is to identify and deport felons, but officials in the protesting states believe it catches people with minor offenses. Other groups such as the ACLU feel as though Secure Communities sets up an environment where people are racially profiled, most notably Hispanic people. And the state of New York feels as though the act hinders police investigations by discouraging witnesses of crimes from working with police for fear of deportation.

Illegal immigrants live with the fear of deportation, which can be assuaged by hiring an immigration attorney to aid them in gaining citizenship. The Obama administration has deported record numbers of illegals, but has yet to reform the naturalization aspect of the immigration debate. There are over 10 million illegal immigrants residing in the US.

The limited number of people allowed citizenship per year cannot accommodate all of the people who apply; the aid of an immigration lawyer can help increase a person’s chances that they will be granted citizenship. The naturalization process can be daunting and time consuming but with an immigration attorney working for you the guarantee of success will make the endeavor worthwhile.