Sweet Home 6/10/2011 1:05:14 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Oregon workers knowingly exposed to asbestos by developer

By: Daun Lee

Dan Dressler, a developer from Oregon faces serious charges from the EPA. The 67 year old developer is accused of knowingly exposing workers to asbestos, which is a mineral that causes illnesses such as asbestosis and mesothelioma, along with other pulmonary diseases.

Dressler, who was developing 435-acre parcel of land in Sweet Home, Oregon, hired an unlicensed contractor to demolish a defunct sawmill. Although Dressler was aware the site contained asbestos, he failed to employ an abatement team qualified to remove the asbestos. The EPA has strict policies enacted for anyone who removes asbestos from an existing building. Also, Dressler did not inform the contractors that asbestos was present on the site. A mesothelioma lawyer will be able to obtain compensatory damages for the workers should they become ill in the future.

Inhaling asbestos fibers is known to cause mesothelioma, which is an aggressive cancer, and usually fatal. People throughout the world who contract mesothelioma can obtain financial compensation by retaining a mesothelioma attorney.

The EPA has charged Dressler with several counts, including first and second degree air pollution, supplying false information to an agency and recklessly endangering another. If convicted he faces up to five years in prison and a $250,000 dollar fine. The EPA has designated the area as a Superfund site.

The extent of the workers exposure is unknown, but removing asbestos without proper safety gear can create health problems far into the future. The workers may be afflicted in the future and will need a mesothelioma lawyer to seek compensation for their medical care and suffering.