New York 6/10/2011 1:23:27 AM
News / Law

New York Personal Injury Attorneys to Represent Grandmother Hit by Van at Notoriously Dangerous Queens Intersection

The New York personal injury lawyers at Block O’Toole & Murphy have been asked to represent a 51 year-old woman who was hit by a van in Queens. This senseless accident was covered extensively by the New York news and print media. The attorneys at  Block O'Toole & Murphy are currently investigating her claim to determine all causes of the accident, and what persons or entities should be held accountable for the accident, which has reportedly left the victim with life-threatening injuries.   Early reports reveal that this was an accident that should have been avoided if New York City had heeded the consistent warnings by the residents in that area.    

The Queens auto accident victim was taken to the hospital in serious condition after two vehicles collided, the force of the impact sending a van through the intersection and onto the sidewalk where it struck the victim. The auto accident occurred at 103rd Avenue and 93rd Street in Ozone Park, an intersection about which local residents have reportedly complained. There is a stop sign on each corner, and the van ran through one of the signs and jumped onto the sidewalk after it was hit broadside by another motor vehicle, according to witnesses.  

Some local residents have described how this intersection has actually been a dangerous one for quite some time, where multiple prior accidents have occurred.  This appears to be due,  largely , to a stop sign that was  almost entirely  obstructed from approaching motorists' view by an adjacent tree.  A story produced by Channel 7 News about this incident took video footage showing multiple cars driving straight past the stop sign without changing speed at all, apparently having not seen the stop sign.  The entire stretch of 103rd Avenue, residents complain, is dangerous and has been that way for years. The van that  hit  the victim came to rest on the lawn of a nearby resident, who reported that her insurance company had previously installed metal poles on her front lawn due to the dangerous nature of the intersection and in anticipation of an event like this one.  Residents have apparently complained to the City about the dangerous area repeatedly. Yet, despite the neighborhood protests, the City did nothing until tragedy struck.  Only after the media reports about this collision did the City decide to take steps to make this intersection safe.    It seems, tragically, that this  potentially fatal accident should and could have been avoided.   An insurance company took steps to protect the home of their insured but New York City did nothing to protect the public.  Residents pointed out that all the City needed to do was some simple landscaping.  "If they cut the branches of this tree down, that poor woman never gets hurt," said a local resident. 

Block O'Toole & Murphy has handled many significant cases involving dangerous and defective road ways, stop signs and traffic signals, as well as countless victims of motor vehicle collisions, construction accidents and other acts of negligence.  The firm has recovered over $500,000,000 on behalf of accident victims, and, as with each client's case, pledges to investigate every angle of this victim's case so that she can be fairly compensated and so that similar accidents do not occur again.  If you have any information concerning this accident or the dangerous intersection, please contact Block O'Toole & Murphy at 212-736-5300.  

Block O'Toole & Murphy frequently handles referrals of catastrophic injury cases on behalf of other lawyers and law firms. If you have been injured, you can contact the experienced trial lawyers at Block O'Toole & Murphy at any time for a free consultation. Visit or call 212-736-5300.

About Block O'Toole & Murphy

Block O'Toole & Murphy is one of the premier personal injury law firms in New York City. Their experienced team of trial lawyers is devoted to truly caring for and fighting for the rights of their clients. As with every case it handles, the firm will not rest until justice is done. Block O'Toole & Murphy handles referrals of catastrophic injury cases on behalf of other lawyers and law firms. If you have been injured, you can contact the experienced trial lawyers at Block O'Toole & Murphy at any time for a free consultation. Visit or call 212-736-5300.