Washington 6/11/2011 2:26:22 AM
News / Law

Apple bans DUI apps for the iPhone

By: Daun Lee

Apple has decided to ban iPhone applications designed to warn people of DUI checkpoints.

Lawmakers pressured Research in Motion, who makes the Blackberry, along with Apple and Google to ban these apps from their app stores. RIM quickly followed the lawmaker’s wishes, but Apple and Google sated they would review the apps and determine whether to drop them. Today, Apple caved and will no longer make the application available. Google refused to remove the apps in March when lawmakers initially asked, and has not, at this time banned the applications.

The DUI apps warn people of checkpoints, speed traps and red-light cameras. Police in some cities have stated that the apps actually prevent DUIs, and further stated that they are sometimes the people who put the information out there.

The best way to prevent a DUI is to not drive while intoxicated, however many people still get behind the wheel when they have had a few drinks too many and must hire a DUI attorney. Intoxication affects a person’s ability to make reasonable decisions, and they often think they won’t get caught. You may not at first, but eventually your luck will run out, and when it does you should have the number of a DUI lawyer handy, is there an app for that?

Don’t let your life be ruined by a silly mistake, contact a qualified DUI attorney to represent you in court, they may be able to get your charge reduced and help you avoid jail time.