Denville, NJ USA 2/6/2009 5:27:06 AM
News / Business

Dog Warts? For Real? Defeating the Canine Papilloma Virus

Help your dog get rid of Dog Warts

Has this ever happened to you? You take your dog to the dog park or maybe even doggie day care and they come home sick. Maybe not that instant , but a few days later.  The Canine Papilloma Virus also known as Dog Warts has been showing up in a lot of dogs in recent years. Most cases come from dog parks or doggie day care.  The sharing of bowls, toys and even food is common at dog parks a day care centers for dogs. It's just like sending your own child to day care. They are bound to come home with some sort of sickness eventually.  The hard thing is that your children can speak, but our dogs cannot. 

Not much was really known about the Canine Papilloma Virus and many people with dogs suffering from this were left on their own to figure out how to combat this. Most vets offer removal services at very high costs only to have the dog warts come back. Others will just tell their patients to give it time and let it run its course. Easier said then done when Fido has nasty bumpy sores all over his face and tries to give you a smooch or lick you.

The owners of had faced these same issues when there hound was diagnosed with COPV.  They searched the web, but could not find solid info about what to do about these
puppy warts! In most cases puppies get these warts because they are young and their immune systems are still developing. This also happens to older dogs whose immune systems are weaking.  After a lot of research they decided to create a site just for the nasty little dog wart.

The great thing about is that is has many testimonials from people who have gotten their dogs through the COPV.  They offer
forums, articles even an e-book that offers a guide on how to treat your dog and get them healthy again.  When the site was first started they could not believe the response they received and how many people had dogs that were suffering from this. After getting countless emails, they decided to put together an e-book that documents what really needs to happen to get rid of dog warts. 

If you take your pooch to the dog parks or to doggie day care we urge you to take a look at and find out the signs to look for and how to care for COPV if  you find warts on your dog.