Washington 6/13/2011 9:33:48 PM
News / Law

Report shows increase in highly skilled immigrants

By: Daun Lee

There is a misconception that most immigrants have very little skills and enter into the U.S. under the cover of darkness through illegal means. A new study released by the Brookings Institute shows that many immigrants residing in the U.S. are highly-skilled workers; over 30 percent have at least a bachelor’s degree.

The results of this study may re-shape the debate over immigration, and the positive impact that naturalization can have on our economy. Until 2007, low-skilled workers where the majority of immigrants residing in the U.S., but highly-skilled immigrants have now become the majority. As our economy shifts from manufacturing to technology, the future of American industry may partially rely on our immigrant population.

The discourse over illegal immigration focuses on low-skilled workers jumping over fences, but the results of this study show that immigration reform could be positive for America’s economic future. Both highly-skilled and low-skilled immigrants face many challenges when applying for citizenship. By employing an immigration attorney, immigrants can be assured that a qualified professional is working in their best interest.

An immigration lawyer can help an immigrant obtain the necessary visas and guide them through the naturalization process. Immigrants sacrifice to come and live in the U.S. and are often seeking to improve their lives. Without becoming legal citizens they face deportation and separation from their families. Becoming a naturalized citizen is easier with the assistance of an immigration attorney, which gives them a better chance of realizing their goals of citizenship.