Los Angeles 2/8/2009 11:42:52 AM
News / Law

Caylee Anthony Case, Let's Go to The Circus!

If the Anthony's truly wanted to grieve as a family in private, they could. Why don't they?

Is the memorial service for murdered Caylee Anthony the latest segment in the “Casey Anthony Circus”?


Never before has there been a case, where during an on-going investigation, so much information is released to the public. Literally, just about every piece of investigative documentation has been released. That's great for breaking news, but when you're working on a case, you don't want witnesses or suspects learning what other people have said during questioning.

The only thing being held back at this point is the autopsy findings and toxicology reports, and that's very interesting, since there must be something in those reports that finally rules everyone else out except for Casey. If the results come back with clear evidence that Caylee was poisoned, or traces of chloroform were found in Calyee's body, it may be the evidence needed to send Casey to prison for life. It would also stop the media circus as we see it today.

To to read the full story and see rare Anthony Family photos click here.