New York City 6/16/2011 1:31:00 AM
News / Law

Bloomberg says no U.S. immigration reform is economic suicide

By: Daun Lee

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg stated in a speech to the Foreign Relations Committee, that the current policy on immigration places our economic future in jeopardy.

Bloomberg has long been an advocate for making immigration and visas easier to obtain for the millions of illegal immigrants living in the U.S. In his statement Bloomberg said, “We will not be a world super power if we continue to close our doors to people who want to come here and work hard.” He further stated that “It’s what I call national suicide.”

Bloomberg is part of a bipartisan group to create the Partnership of a New American Economy, along with Rupert Murdoch. The purpose of the group is to “to raise awareness of the economic benefits of sensible immigration reform.”

A study conducted by the group, found that a large percentage of Fortune 500 companies were started by immigrants or their children and employee 10 million people worldwide. These companies also generated $4.2 trillion in revenue each year.

Highly skilled immigrants can work in the U.S. with the appropriate visas, which can be obtained with the assistance of an immigration lawyer.

Immigrants who wish to become citizens face many challenges, but an immigration attorney can help these hopeful citizens realize their dreams. Immigration Reform can make it easier for people to become naturalized citizens, but little is being done at the moment. For the millions of immigrant who come to the U. S searching a better life can enlist an immigration lawyer to guide them through the process.