There are numerous misconceptions about alcohol addiction, the most common of which is that individuals who have never had a problem with alcohol assume that the addicted individual would be deterred from drinking again because detox is such an unpleasant experience. This is a false assumption because alcohol addiction is an allergy to the body as well as an obsession of the mind. It is the failure of other alcoholics rehabilitation centers to recognize the psychology behind the addiction, which explains why there is such a high failure rate with their clients.
It is necessary to understand the psychology behind the individual’s addiction in order to comprehend why it happens with some individuals and not others. Alcohol addiction affects every individual in different ways. However, the damage not only results physically, but emotionally and mentally as well. Our Alcoholics Rehabilitation facility is knowledgeable of the fact that alcoholism stems from depression with most individuals. Alcoholism is twice as likely to occur with women as it is with men because of depression. Additionally, there are over 10 million individuals suffering from depression today.
Clients must achieve the following where their behavior is concerned if they have any hope of successfully recovering from their alcohol addiction and being successful at our Alcoholics Rehabilitation facility:
- Since their addiction to alcohol did not happen all at once and took possibly years to develop, they have to realize that their recovery process will not occur overnight.
- They need to be accountable and needs to accept the responsibility of their actions as well as the consequences which result from the addiction.
- The client has to follow specific instructions given to them by one of our licensed staff members and adhere to specific guidelines while they are going through the treatment and recovery process.
What many people do not realize is that alcoholics rehabilitation entails the recovery of the individual’s life. Not only does it involve accepting responsibility for one’s actions it also requires a commitment to learning how to remain substance free for life once they are deemed clean and sober. It also involves the dedication to living a cleaner and healthier lifestyle. However, a healthier lifestyle is not the only reward as the person’s self-esteem improves in the process.
We feel confident that our Alcoholics Rehabilitation center can help anyone overcome their addiction while remaining clean and sober for life after returning to society. If you need help or you know someone who is having a problem with alcohol addiction, you should contact us immediately so that we can recommend a treatment and recovery program targeted to your specific needs. Our caring and considerate staff members are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to assist you and answer all of your questions.