Washington 6/17/2011 12:56:34 AM
News / Law

AARP releases advertisements criticizing Medicare reform

By: Daun Lee

When Paul Ryan made his budget proposal that would turn Medicare into a voucher program, the nation’s senior citizens were vocal about their disapproval. Serious budget negotiations have been going on and Medicare could still face cuts if the some members of Congress get their way.

The AARP wants to make sure seniors don’t lose their medical benefits or social security so they have launched their second advertising campaign that calls for cuts in wasteful spending. The ad highlights some wasteful spending like treadmills for shrimp and poetry readings in zoos. In the ad, one senior says “I guess it’s easier to cut benefits we earned than to cut pickle technology.”

Privatizing Medicare could double the medical costs for seniors over the next 10 years; the overwhelming majority of seniors live on fixed incomes. AARP’s Nancy LeaMond says, “While some members of Congress are considering making changes to Medicare’s structure, what few people realize is that some proposals being discussed behind closed doors include harmful cuts to the critical Medicare and Social Security benefits that are lifelines for millions of today’s seniors.” Without medical insurance our nation’s senior may be flocking to bankruptcy lawyers, because of medical debt.

Seniors aren’t the only citizens who have high medical costs. Close to 50 percent of people, who retain bankruptcy attorneys to file for protection, do so because of the medical bills they accumulate after an illness or injury. Because the cost of medical care continues to rise, many people are overwhelmed by exorbitant medical bills, and find it difficult to pay them off. A bankruptcy lawyer can give a person with financial problem advice in whether bankruptcy is right for them.