Atlanta 6/17/2011 2:08:06 AM
News / People

Anthony Weiner Announces Resignation Following Scandal

New York Congressman Anthony Wiener resigned Thursday, just over a week after admitting to Tweeting a picture of his bulging crotch in a pair of boxers.

"I'd hoped to be able to continue the work that my constituents elected me to do. Unfortunately, the distraction that I have created has made that impossible, so today I am announcing my resignation from Congress,” the 46-year-old said at a press conference in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn.

In a press conference on June 6, Weiner admitted to Tweeting the picture to a Washington state woman and revealed he had carried on “inappropriate conversations” with at least 6 women over “Twitter, Facebook, e-mail and occasionally on the phone.”

"I have made terrible mistakes," he said. "I have not been honest with myself or my family. ... I should not have done this, and I should not have done this particularly when I was married."

Wiener initially insisted he would not resign from Congress and said he had “no intention” of separating from his wife, Huma Abedin. It remains to be seen if Wiener’s marriage will survive the scandal.


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