Atlanta 6/18/2011 1:00:18 AM
News / Law

Several countries protest Georgia immigration bill

By: Daun Lee

The state of Georgia recently passed a controversial immigration bill, along with several other states. The bill has adversely affected farming in the state. Representatives from Mexico and 10 other countries have filed a petition to have the bill blocked.

In a statement released on behalf of civil liberties union, the nations are requesting that a federal judge declare the law unconstitutional. Lawyers representing Mexico file similar suits against Arizona and Utah; both states have passed immigration bills similar to the one in Georgia.

The nations warn that enacting the tough immigration laws could negatively affect relations between the United States and the Latin American Community. In the U.S. Latinos make up a large majority of both legal and illegal immigrants residing in the states. The bills are intended to curb the number of illegal immigrants in the country. Latinos have been pushing for reforms that make it easier for people to become legal citizens. Immigration attorneys can help some of these people but many are denied citizenship.

Illegal immigrants face deportation if they are found. The recent immigration bills passed by various states allow police to check the legal status of anyone they detain for infractions. To avoid deportation, an immigrant can apply for citizenship which is made easier with the assistance of an immigration attorney.

Many immigrants sacrifice a great deal to come to the U.S., the best way to assure they can stay is to apply for citizenship with the help of an immigration lawyer.